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Say it in Hawaiian!

Pidgin is a "dialect" the local people (mostly young people) speak here.  It's not Hawaiian necessarily, but it's kind of adjusted english with some Hawaiian added in, if that makes any sense whatsoever. Here are some words that my friends have been teaching me: 

Cherry! - means "Cool".   As in:  That movie was cherry!
I'm told you can't just say it just plain. You need to say it with emphasis....chheerrayy!

Brok' da mout - really tasty.  as in : "That plate brok' da mout."  

Da kine - Nope, it's not just the brand name on backpacks.  It's what they say when they're trying to explain something, a whatchamacallit. "Lesgo to dakine place to go swimming."

Shaka - This is what they call that hang loose hand sign you always see them doing.  

Howzit?: What’s happening? How’s it going? It's used in place of "Aloha".

Shoots - "alright".  Shoots bra. (where we would say something like "alright man".)

Its actually quite humorous to hear them talk in pidgin, sometimes I cannot understand what they are saying at all even though it is still English.

As you can tell, I've been doing a lot of cooking lately. And a lot of cooking with lemons. You gotta use what you got!

  A little mahi mahi frying up with lemon and pepper = Lemon pepper mahi mahi.

Add a big salad and broccoli and you have a great and delicious meal, if I do say so myself.


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