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My Social Norm Violation

So, I don't think I actually reported on what I ended up doing for my project on violating a social norm.  Well, is the story...! Don't get too excited!

It was one cloudy looking day in Hilo, and I was walking aimlessly around the campus, trying to build up the courage to go and violate some kind of social norm.  I glanced over at one of the tables underneath a little porch overhang, where an innocent looking, extremely focused girl was sitting, working on some homework.  There were plenty other tables around that were empty, but I walked right up to her and asked if I could sit down at the table.   She stared down at her books and was trying her absolute hardest to avoid eye contact.  This poor girl - I felt so sorry for what I would soon put her through.   I then proceeded to introduce myself and held out my hand to shake hers.  She was slightly hesitant, but I grabbed her hand and and I shook it hard.  And ... I didn't let go.  For a very long time. 

I held on to her fragile little hand - asked her a bazillion questions about herself - and to be quite honest I don't remember a single one of her answers because I was so nervous.  By about the 3rd question I could see she was wondering what on earth I was doing and thought I was absolutely crazy - which I was at that moment.  After it was all said and done, I let go of that fragile little hand and just sat across the table from her for a while, just to see what she would do.  I have to admit, it was realllly funny, I almost giggled a couple times.  She darted right back to her books and was inconspicuously glancing at me while her head was down.  Oooh, it was hilarious. 

Then I decided to redeem myself by telling her what it was all about.  Asked her how she felt about it and the whole ordeal.  She was totally weirded out, which is exactly what I was aiming for.  That being said, I haven't got my paper back yet, so I'm not sure if it was worth it marks wise, but in my own personal mind, it was totally worth it.

I challenge you to violate a norm today - just for fun.  Who sets these norms anyways...?  I'm setting my own new ones - so watch out!

Here are a few you tube videos of what other people have done to violate social norms:
Cheering People On - this is what I based my project on that I did for my other class a couple years ago (see here)

"Ghosting" People - this is just realllly funny.  You'll have to fast forward to about the 2:00 mark to start the action.  Ok, you got me.  I actually did try doing this one day at the mall with my friend Melissa.  But shhh- don't tell anyone.


Anonymous said...

You should update your blog

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