OK, So for the second time - I have to violate a social norm. Last time I had to do it for psychology, this time for my sociology class!! They just keep picking on me - and I HATE violating norms... not my thing.
So, I was just wondering if there are any genius ideas out there as to what norm I could violate. Some of the examples we got in class were : standing backwards on an elevator, singing really loud in a restaraunt, etc...
Last time I did this I went into Dairy Queen in Saskatoon and I started cheering on the person making my sundae - all the workers were just staring at me and wondering what in the world I was doing. It was really embarrassing, and that is why I hate doing this project.
Help me!!
Grandma Suggests going to the beach in a 1930's swimming suit(almost like underwear). Go swimming in it and lay on the beach.What do you think?
How about wearing really thick make up... like painting your eyebrows pink, big rosey cheeks, red lipstick, and bright blue eye shadow. Hahah, see if anyone gets a reaction from that.
P.s.- there is a woman who comes into d.q. who wears all that make up, do you remember her?
Walk into your sociology class 30 min late and then go find a seat right in between 2 people in the middle of a row so you have to crawl over people. Then you can write about your prof's reaction haha.
Picking your nose in front of people you don't even know, serious social norm issues. I say your standing in a group that's just chit chatting, start picking the schnoz, don't react - just go for it. If they ask you something, just say, 'Hey, like you don't do it.'
uncle schmyan
ps i've got a million more...
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