At first glance one might think this might be a super-duper scoop of indescribably delicious ice-cream. On second thought, it might be what a "sponger" does who drops in out-of-the-blue, (usually around suppertime), for a free meal.
The latter might be closer to the truth...as spondulicks is an American slang term for money or cash (which the sponger never seems to have enough of in his pocket to pay for his drink, his meal, or your's for that matter.
Ever since I was young, my grandpa used to say to us "Eat your spindolicks!"
I was never quite sure what that meant... so I just ate the remains on my plate. Recently - I found the a this definition of a word with similar spelling. Not sure if he was just confused - or if this is a completely different word. I'm not sure why he would tell me to eat my money, so i'm leaning towards the second option...
So the next time you need some money and want to impress, just ask.. "Can you lend me some spondulicks?" At the least, you might be able to sway their attention from the real issue..